Cash is the best way to track your income. Enter your earnings with just a few taps. Stay organized with jobs and tags. Make goals to stay motivated and keep up-to-date on your progress. Use filters to get a focused look at your cash. Create Smart Lists to easily track specific totals, like “all the cash I need to bring to the bank” or “all the checks I’ve already deposited.” It’s easy to get started, and Cash makes it simple to get your earnings organized.
• View all of your income on your iPhone
• Enter your earnings with just a few taps
• Organize your income with jobs and tags
• View your earnings by day, week, month, or year
• Filter your cash by job or tag to see specific earnings
• Stay up-to-date by easily tagging groups of cash
• Motivate yourself and stay up-to-date on your progress
• Easily see how close you are to your total
• Restrict a goal to a certain job to focus your effort
Smart Lists:
• Create Smart Lists with powerful rules to track specific totals
• Use rules based on date, jobs, and tags